Dear CAFS friends and colleagues,

Given the urgency of the situation in Palestine, we are taking a decisive step to support the boycott of the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences (FHSS) Congress, which is to be hosted at McGill University from June 12 to 21, 2024. This is a direct response to the impassioned calls for solidarity from student and faculty organizers in Montreal and beyond.

We want to be clear that “business as usual” is not acceptable in this international humanitarian crisis. The CAFS Board and the Student Symposium organizers align with calls to action made by those leading University encampments across Canada. We are committed to advancing the struggle for liberation, justice, and equality and oppose Israeli apartheid, occupation, scholasticide, and settler colonialism.

In consideration of the FHSS Congress boycott, the Symposium organizers are redirecting their efforts to support localized mobilization in Montreal. The organizing team is taking swift action to pivot in light of our commitments:

  1. We are cancelling our room bookings and any involvement with University-managed spaces, and we will not lead or participate in career-boosting mentorship sessions;
  2. We will donate the catered meals that have already been paid for by CAFS and will distribute food to student participants who still choose to travel to Montreal. If possible, we will also try to redistribute meals to those situated in the encampment;
  3. We are gathering in a student-run space as a Solidarity Food Forum, delivering learn-ins and teach-ins on food journalism, food and power and equitable food futures.

We want to recognize the incredible amount of time, energy, and resources that the symposium organizers, students, and mentors have already invested in organizing our planned Student Symposium. Though our goal was to deliver a program that is student-centred, not aligned with Congress and one that departed from the traditional conference setting, we still see value in supporting calls to action for the boycott and redirecting our efforts in solidarity.  If you have any questions, comments or concerns about the boycott, the position of CAFS or future conference planning, feel free to email the Board at If you are interested in supporting the student symposium team in any way, you can connect with them at

Yours in solidarity,

The CAFS Board

Solidarity Food Forum