Foundations, Evolutions, and Revolutions
We are pleased to announce that the 2025 Canadian Association for Food Studies Assembly will be hosted at George Brown College in Toronto, Ontario from June 2- June 5, 2025, and will be delivered in conjunction with the Federation for Humanities & Social Sciences Congress (running May 30 to June 6, 2025). The broader theme of Congress, just announced, is “Reframing Togetherness.”
In keeping with the CAFS conference theme of Foundations, Evolutions, and Revolutions we are planning a three-day arc of plenary events that brings to life these animating ideas. Our plenary on Day 1 (Monday June 2) will look back to the foundations and origins of food studies in Canada over the last 30 years. On Day 2 (Tuesday June 3), our plenary will look at the present issues, concerns, and priorities characterizing food studies scholarship, practice, and advocacy. On Day 3 (Wednesday June 4), the plenary will look towards ongoing revolutions in food studies as we move forward in shared yet diverse ways. Thursday June 5 is dedicated to our One-Day Student Symposium in collaboration with DevOur Campus and is open to all students, emerging researchers, or those looking to get more involved in Canadian food studies.
Registration for the conference is now open HERE.
Conference attendees must be current CAFS members. Renew your membership or become a member HERE.
Foundations, Evolutions, and Revolutions Call for Proposals
Fondations, Évolutions et Révolutions Appel De Propositions
Questions? Contact conference organizers
New to conferences? Check out the video recording of our webinar, How to Write a Conference Abstract (or download the webinar presentation slides).
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