Canadian Food Studies Call for Proposals — Themed Issue

Meat Studiesimage of a plant-based meat hamburger

Guest Editors:

Abstract submission deadline: March 31, 2022

We are living through an unprecedented cultural shift regarding our collective relationship with meat. Meat consumption is decreasing in North America, yet increasing in other regions of the world. Meat-rejecting lifestyles such as veganism and vegetarianism are entering mainstream discourses and markets, after having long been relegated to the peripheries of culinary and dietary conversations. At the same time, the current cultural juncture is forcing us to categorically rethink and refine our conventional understandings of what meat is—a phenomenon instigated by the recent developments of plant-based meats, the perennial promises of lab-grown meat technologies, the explorations of alternative meats and proteins (such as insect meat), and a growing number of legal challenges brought forth by traditional meat industries.

This themed issue of Canadian Food Studies will address these concepts and more. Please consult the CFP for complete details, including themes and subjects, timeline, and references.